Consult Before Babies Arrival
Investment for Prenatal Guidance: Only $100 for a Comprehensive Class and Personal Session Spanning up to 2 hours
Consult After Babies Arrival
(Breast and Bottle Feeding)
Welcome back! If you’ve already completed an initial consultation with me, click the button below to secure your follow-up session.
Your first consultation is priced at $75 for the initial hour, with subsequent hours billed at $50 each.
**For all follow-up consultations, the rate is a consistent $50 per hour.
Consult After Babies Arrival
All consultations on weaning following your baby's arrival are priced at $30 per hour.
Prenatal visits are a great way to get a personalized breastfeeding and pumping class based on your body without the anxiety of being in a group of other people. We take the time to go through how milk is made, what products you need what ones you don't, ways you can cope with or without support systems around you, and so much more! We also create custom birth and lactation plans and maternal mental health plans based on your medical history and pregnancy history to get you set up for success! These are typically done virtually, but can be done in person as well.
Postpartum visits, whether you are having problems or not, is a great way to get an overall assessment of you and baby. Some moms choose to have them proactively to be sure someone else doesn't see an issues starting before something gets out of hand or pain begins, some moms wait until they need this. I also have some moms who want me at the time the baby is born to start off strong and some that want to wait a week so their milk is fully in.
We always assess mom and baby, take a medical histroy and talk about your birth story and what your concerns and goals are. Then we do a weighted feed with baby nursing, or bottle feed and pump to observe it all and make sure feeding in all forms is going well as well as pumping! We will also be sure your flange size is correct along with many other things. My goal is by the time we are done with the visit you feel confident to feed your baby and take care you you as well!
Telehealth visits are similar to zoom calls, and it can be helpful to use a camera that can move around. We will do some assessing that we can over video, but I may ask you to show me the baby in different light, or perhaps move their latch position or lips a certain way while we observe the feeding virtually. Everything else is the same, you show me with the camera and I will talk you through everything and help you get a plan in place!
I see moms virtually nationwide and have helped moms all over the country succeed in their goals!
You will have access to the parent portal to view all your care plan, your notes, and if applicable journal entries about feeding/ pumping. There is also a secure messaging system that you can use to message me anytime. Your visits do come with two week follow up care messaging!
At this time I am not in network with insurances, but I do take HSA and FSA and I can provide you with a superbill that you can give to your insurance for possible reimbursement based on your plan.
I choose to not participate with most insurance companies so that I am able to provide the care you deserve based our goals and your needs--not insurance limitations. This type of care, called concierge care, allows me to also follow up with you in ways mentioned in the section above. Through the portal with secure messaging, email communications, personalized care plans, your care goes beyond the standard that insurance allows.
Unfortunately, insurance companies have continued to decrease reimbursement and create barriers for providers to be accredited with them, causing issues with billing between me and families that I choose to avoid to focus on caring for my families. By doing this I am able to focus on giving you and your family' the best care up front without the hassle of insurance denials.